Conditions of Study

You fulfill the conditions of study if you are registered with a degree contract in a study program that is officially recognized by the Flemish Community for at least 27 credits. An exception to this rule is made during your degree year, in this case you can register for less than 27 credits.
Credits that you register for with a credit or exam contract are not valid for the scholarship.
In case you change your registration during the academic year, this may have consequences for your scholarship.

You can receive a scholarship for 2 Graduate’s programs, 2 Bachelor’s programs, 1 initial Master’s program, 1 bridging program, 1 preparatory program and 1 extra educational graduate’s, bachelor’s or master’s degree. If you already obtained 3 graduates or 3 bachelors or 2 masters, you cannot obtain a study grant for an additional educational graduate, bachelor or master.
If you have already obtained a Master degree (in Belgium or abroad) it is not possible to request a scholarship for a second Master’s degree (unless this is an educational master).

If you combine a basic program with further training (e.g. Advanced Master, PhD) you will only receive a scholarship for credits in the degree year of the basic study program.